Ace Frehley at Billboard Live TOKYO

I went to LIVE of the most influential guitarist Ace Freely.

It was my first visit to Billboard Tokyo and besides I was alone.
It was a place of high-class feeling, and I felt uneasy.

I ordered a cocktail called “Humming Bird” and pasta of Linguine Aglico, Olio e Peperoncino with Bacon & Young Sweet Corn.
It was rather delicious.

The seat behind the center and the seat at the front end were empty, so I chose the front seat.

Ace was 4,5 meters ahead of me. It was inspiring!

It was awesome to do a lot of KISS’s songs.
But, I wanted to listen Ace ‘s guitar solo with a little bigger sound.
Because there were three guitars, I wanted the backing sound to be small.
Ace’s guitar did not burn, but smoke came out.😁

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吉乃黄櫻 Kizakura Yoshino
Songwriter & Guitarist

昔CARMILLAというレディースメタルバンドと、PRETTY FISHMONGERという男女混合バンドでギターと作曲をやってました。CARMILLAでイカ天に出演して完奏なんて事もありました。

2018年末にCARMILLAの過去の音源でのLIVE ALBUMを出した事から、またメタルのバンドをやりたいという気持ちがムクムクと。
